Trusted by the industry’s top brands.
Connect to any platform.
Bike Matrix empowers the bicycle industry and its rider to find replacement parts with ease. Build the momentum by providing us with basic product information.
Bike Matrix empowers the bicycle industry and its rider to find replacement parts with ease. Build the momentum by providing us with basic product information.
Bike Matrix empowers the bicycle industry and riders to find replacement parts with ease. Build the momentum by providing us with basic product information.
Manufacturers pay nothing to enter their parts information into our database.
Zero cost
Join the industry's top manufacturers already providing accurate bicycle data.
Certified data
Your data is kept securely in our database and is never exchanged during API calls.
Safe and secure
The expected lifecycle of a bicycle is 30+ years whereas components start wearing out within the first thousand kms.
The availability of knowledgeable mechanics and sales staff is at an all time low within the industry.
Consumers spend on average 30-60 minutes researching which parts fit their bike prior to purchase.
“An important factor in an optimized ride experience is your bike maintenance. Bike Matrix makes the process of keeping your bike maintained and equipped as the manufacturer intended."
Your data is kept securely in our database and is never exchanged during API calls.
Safe and secure
Join the industry's top manufacturers already providing accurate parts and frame data.
Certified data
Manufacturers pay nothing to enter their parts information into our database.
Zero cost
Connect to any platform.
Bike Matrix empowers the bicycle industry and its rider to find replacement parts with ease. Build the momentum by providing us with basic product information.